Our Research
During mitosis, a full set of chromosomes must be equally transmitted to the offspring of each dividing cell. Failures in this process can result in numerous disorders, including birth defects and tumor progression. The Funabiki Lab studies how chromosomes signal in order to spatially and temporally orchestrate rapid assembly and disassembly of macromolecules that ensure accurate chromosome segregation.
Laboratory of Chromosome and Cell Biology,
The Rockefeller University
Xenopus egg extracts system
The Awesome Power of Xenopus Egg extracts:
Since its original invention by Yoshiro Masui and establishment by Andrew Murray, Xenopus egg extracts have contributed to a number of major discoveries in Cell Cycle and Cell Biology field. Many innovative research approaches can only be accomplished by the Xenopus system.
Key features:
Unique cell-free system, where highly complex physiological processes, such as nuclear formation, DNA replication, DNA damage response, mitotic chromosome compaction, spindle formation, and sister chromatid separation can be recapitulated by exogenous DNA sources.
Cell cycle can autonomously oscillate even without chromosomes and transcription
Specific proteins can be depleted by immunodepletion, which can be rescued by recombinant proteins or mRNAs
High concentration proteins, such as core histones, can even be depleted
High reproducibility for biochemistry and proteomics experiments
Ideal for quantitative analysis
Mitotic chromosome events in egg extracts:
Spindle assembly on sperm chromosomes in metaphase extracts
- DNA - Tubulin
Chromosome segregation
in anaphase
- DNA - Tubulin
Spindle assembly
on DNA-beads